On Being an Entrepreneur

My bathtub called to me this morning. I’m so glad I heeded the call. Magic happens there. Prayers. Healing. Release… down the drain with that which no longer serves me, as I’ve been chewing on some painful thoughts and feelings lately (again, more). It is shadow season, is it not?

I am a mercurial, moody Cancer. It’s taken me a long time to understand and figure out how to navigate my place in this world. I have oftentimes felt like the square peg wanting desperately to fit into the round hole. Perpetually misunderstood; scapegoated even….

I’ve never quite fit, or felt a sense of belonging in my family. I continue to come closer to making peace with this truth of mine. I’ve often not fit in in my work places. And now that my home is my workplace (I’ve prayed for this; dreamed and breathed this reality into being, and have worked hard to get here!!!), I often consider how best to navigate balancing my needs for solitude and quiet with also needing to share the ways in which I am here to serve. So, I do my best each day to find balance between “showing up” and going inward, tending to the parts of me asking to be seen, healed, attended, nurtured as that is often a big part of what is sought and craved by the women who reach out to work with me.

Not everyone understands or relates to the ways I share and express myself, who I am, and how I be… and, that just has to be ok. It’s really not up to me, and I’m not here to convince anyone to jive with my JFG flavored special sauce. I remind myself often that it is none of my business what other people think of me. I never intend to try to shove my thoughts, feelings, or medicine down anyone’s throat - here in the wild, wild web of social networking, or IRL.

“Marketing” myself as a brand is not comfortable. At all! But, the truth is, that’s the name of the game. It’s about peeling back the layers and exposing the soft underbelly of what makes me tick and tock so that I can find my people and my people can find me. And so, I’m looking at and learning ways to do so that can feel both authentic and effective.

We each come into this life with innate gifts. It is my belief that it is our purpose to identify, understand, and excavate those gifts and to share them with those who are drawn to our light. As a coach, I will never proclaim to have the answers to another’s ailments or challenges. I can only do my part to hold space for another, offering tools, resources, guidance and support around the self inquiry they must engage as part of the work that reveals the answers that are most true for them. I don’t make any claims to be anyone’s guru or guiding light. The light is within each of us. My role is to support my clients in clearing away the cobwebs in order to allow their light to shine more brightly.

Is making and selling household cleaning sprays the answer to my soul’s yearning to do work that matters in this world? Not really… But, it’s something I CAN do. And I’ve had fun pouring myself into learning how to nurture and cultivate what was a tiny seed pod of an idea at the start of 2020 into an actual product that I can make and sell from my home, and that does make a difference in the world and in the lives of those who use them. I’m excited to continue developing and adding more formulas to this line of inspired essential oil based products.

When I bump up against the recognition that there are those out there who maybe don’t get it, or get me, or how I’m choosing to move through and approach my life, it sometimes hurts more than a little to feel judged and criticized for simply being me. I can’t really help it if it’s hard for some to understand that we each have choice around how we navigate our one wild and precious life. Of course, I understand that for many on the planet, such choice and freedom is not available; and of course, this saddens me deeply. And while it is all relative, I’m no stranger to struggle and adversity. I’ve seen my fair share of injustice and indignity. There is a lot within me I am still reconciling. I’m not perfect. I’m human. I accept that there’s simply no way that I can be everybody’s cup of tea… Still, it is also true that I am allowed to choose to create a life that is best for me, just as you do for you.

I just wonder if when you find yourself judging or criticizing another for simply being who they are, even when that person may not appeal to your sensibilities or approach to being/doing you… you might take a moment to pause and investigate why it is you feel compelled (even if silently in your own mind) to judge, or why you feel resistance to that person and/or what they are doing… Ask yourself if the thoughts that arise when you think of that person are in fact TRUE, or not. What is the story you are choosing to believe about them? Where did it originate? And then, I would further invite you to explore what it might look like or feel like to instead consciously choose to silently celebrate that person, wish them well, and then carry on.

Does the world really need more meanness, animosity, judgement, scorn…? I’m pretty sure not. I, for one, am here to do my part to lift others up, not tear them down. Are you even conscious or aware when you are silently judging someone? How does that feel? I know I feel shitty when I catch myself thinking or saying bitchy thoughts about someone for really no good reason… It’s important to remember we really can’t make assumptions about what is going on behind the scenes for someone. And unless we’ve walked a mile in another person’s shoes, I think it’s best when we can assume benevolence and wish one another well rather than judge.

Meanwhile, I am celebrating my wins, and hoping to continue to learn and grow from my challenges. I’ve shipped out over 20 orders in the last two weeks, and that is deeply gratifying! I’m excited to be packing up orders to ship out to a number of people as thanks for their support and encouragement along the way. I am grateful for opportunities to provide wholesome nourishment to local loves who need a little extra help with meals. And like everyone else, I believe I am simply here doing the best I can to work with what I’ve got in my small corner of the world.

Starting a business is no walk in the park. It takes courage and consistent, persistent hard work. Sometimes it sucks and I want to give up. But in those moments I remind myself of what drives me; of where I’ve been and where I’m going. And I give myself permission to keep dreaming and striving to create a life that reflects what matters most to me - creating and sharing sanctuary and a soft place to land with others in whatever ways I can. I would never wish for anything less than that for anyone else.

Blessed be, my loves. Follow your heart. Believe in your dreams. Face your fears. And shine your light. Know that I’m always here if you ever want to chat. And, obvi… if you wanna try (or share as gifts) the loveliest, most intentionally crafted cleaning sprays and shine a little extra love on your surfaces and throughout your spaces, you know who’s got your back.

Love and light... even amidst the dark, murky, blustery moments.


Sweet Cheeks