An integrated approach to caring for your heart, mind, body, and home.

“The truth is a love so vast that we can never distinguish ourselves from it.” ~JFG

cover art courtesy of Rachel Hertz Littlefield

Nourish Nurture Nest supports holistic wellness through an integrative approach to wholesome, nutritious food, sacred self care, and beautiful, functional, inspired spaces.

In our work together you can expect to be lovingly held, supported, and guided in your journey back home to yourself.

My heart centered, intuitive approach will leave you feeling ready to step more gracefully and courageously into reclaiming an embodied sense of wholeness, worthiness, and joy that is your birthright. 



  • Health & Nutrition Coaching

  • Customized Meal Planning & Prep

  • Intimate Dinner Parties, Small Gatherings & Events

  • Custom Cakes & Other Delights


  • Intuitive Lifestyle & Wellness Coaching

  • Solo Sacred Retreats

  • Aromatherapy Consultations & Personalized Blends


  • Personal Organizing & Space Optimization

  • Aromatherapy

  • Natural Cleaning Sprays

  • Room Freshening Sprays

Connect with me to find the perfect fit for you ♡

Meet Julie

As an Intuitive Lifestyle and Wellness Coach I provide women with tools and resources to expand their sense of self trust, personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

With full presence, grace, and compassion I’ll be with you, listen to you, and support you every step along the way as you begin making empowered choices and feeling more balanced and aligned with your core values and desires.

This is a co-creative process and a totally safe space. Nothing is off limits and you can expect to be met with bold questions and gentle invitations to explore the soft underbelly of your most authentic self.

We’ll investigate what’s standing in your way as a means to discover and inspire fresh awareness, spark liberating realizations, and awaken clarity, courage, and growth.

It is my mission to raise each woman up so she can walk boldly on her unique path—spine tall, heart soft and open—with clear boundaries to keep her grounded in her divine purpose and authentic selfhood. 


“Every woman deserves the quality of care and attention Julie offers, and the space to listen to herself with more clarity… ”


“I am overjoyed and feel completely BLESSED to have you walking with me through this journey. Grateful beyond words…”

Explore Julie’s Blog

Natural cleaning & aromatherapy

Gratitude •  Kindness • MotherLove • Integrity • Generosity of Spirit • Inclusivity • Rest

These are the core values that form the foundation of my small business

Having been a single mom for a lot of years my bank balance was often quite lean and I relied heavily on the kindnesses and generosity of my community. Way back in those early days, I saw clearly the disparity between the degree of struggle I faced and that of the many women and children facing far worse challenges and hardships than I was, both right here in Maine and throughout the world. 

As hard and isolating as my personal circumstances often felt, finding and keeping gratitude at the forefront of my thinking, always striving to keep my heart open and compassion flowing is how I made it through and have been able to cultivate the peaceful and abundant life I now enjoy. Yet, it has always been part of my dream to give back in ways that might uplift women who are struggling and to support them in their efforts to rise up and out of adversity. The vision and foundation for the life I am building together with my husband has always been rooted in the desire to be able to give back to my community in meaningful ways. This is one small way I can do that.

I am proud to have been contributing to two local non-profits whose missions are near and dear to my heart for over a year now. And, finally, it is a privilege to be able to also begin sending small contributions from the sales of my line of aromatherapy home care products to support the efforts of:

World Central Kitchen as they work tirelessly to provide nourishing meals to people throughout the world who are facing the devastating impacts of war and natural disasters.

Blue Angel Maine in Castine, Maine, provides fresh produce and other locally made goods to folks in the community who may be facing challenges which make it difficult for them to have access to good, nourishing food. 

Finding Our Voices based out of Camden, Maine, works to raise awareness about domestic violence and provides support for women and children who need help leaving abusive situations and finding safety. 

When you invest in Nourish Nurture Nest products you are not only investing in your own well being by choosing our all natural, non-toxic products to care for your home and family, but you are supporting a small craft enterprise that is invested in creating a world in which women and children feel safe from violence and the threat of hunger. 

Your support really means a lot.